Program Idea Assessment
Initial Assessment
The Program Planning and Management (PP&M) unit within the World Campus is responsible for leading the review of new programs. They have the authority to make an initial assessment based upon past experience and the below program selection criteria, which were among the first guiding elements developed following the creation of the World Campus. The criteria are applied regardless of whether the program idea originates from an academic unit or within the World Campus, and they weigh heavily throughout the review process.
World Campus Program Selection Criteria:
● Academic Reputation
● Academic Readiness
● Appropriate Technology
● Sustainable Market
● Income Potential
● Scalability
Program Intake Process
The sections below outline the Penn State World Campus program intake process.
Program Intake Form
For program ideas that clear initial review by Program Planning and Management, the program champion (typically a faculty member, professor in charge, department/division head) is identified and asked to work with colleagues to complete a short Program Intake Form.
Individuals having an interest in proposing an idea should contact the appropriate Program Manager/Director/Associate Director:
- Liberal Arts
Amanda Mulfinger, Director of Academic Affairs - Earth and Mineral Sciences, Graduate Business, Law, Medicine, Undergraduate Business
Traci Piazza, Senior Director of Academic Affairs - Engineering, Information Sciences and Technology, Public Affairs
Sonya Leitzell, Senior Director of Academic Affairs - Communications, Education, Nursing
Stephanie Russell, Associate Director of Academic Affairs - Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Architecture, Health and Human Development, Science
Joe Buffone, Program Manager
Market Research
To determine the viability of a proposed program, Outreach Market Research typically conducts a market analysis. The Intake Form completed by the academic unit is a key piece of information used in planning the market analysis. Four key factors are typically assessed:
● economic trends,
● demographic trends,
● program demand, and
● competition.
Internal Review
The World Campus Program Selection Criteria noted above are major points of discussion during the internal review. In cases where the market analysis is positive, a multi-year enrollment and financial profile and a project management timeline are prepared. World Campus tuition rates and the University’s Gross Revenue Sharing Policy are used to predict total tuition income and revenue the academic units and World Campus should expect to receive if the enrollments materialize.
Decision and Next Steps
Upon completion of the intake process and Market Research, World Campus will meet with the academic unit(s) to review the enrollment and financial profile and the draft project timeline, leading to a joint decision on one of three paths forward:
- Yes – Move forward
- Need for Further Exploration – Pause to review: conduct more market research or consider new information before making a decision
- No – The joint decision may be not to move forward
Where to Direct Questions
If you have a question or have an undergraduate or graduate degree or certificate idea to propose for World Campus delivery, please contact the appropriate World Campus Director/Associate Director, per the list above.