Standard 1: Navigation

The course has a consistent and intuitive navigation system enabling students to quickly locate course information and materials.

A site’s navigation system should answer three fundamental questions:

  • Where am I?
  • Where have I been?
  • Where can I go?

Required evidence that this standard has been met includes:

  • Site navigation menu is placed in a consistent location on each page.
  • Breadcrumb trail, site map, or other navigation is available on each page to let students know where they are relative to the rest of the site.
  • Intuitive labels are used in navigation menus so students can easily guess where each link will take them.

Suggested Best Practices:

  • The text of each hyperlink describes the location of the new page.  Generic “Click Here” links are avoided.
  • “Standard” hyperlink colors are used (blue for new links, purple for visited links) so students will be able to tell where they have been.  Standard Web convention of underlining hyperlinks is followed.
