Standard 7: Learner Support

Brief Description

In the Learner Support standard, four different kinds of support services are addressed: technical support, accessibility support, academic services support, and student services support.

Supporting Resources

Technical Support

Quality online courses have instructions that articulate or link to a clear description of the technical support that is offered and how to obtain it. Examples include a clear description of technical support services provided by the institution, including a link to a technical support website, and links to other resources providing instructions on how to use the tools and features of the learning platform (e.g., Canvas).

Accessibility Support

Consider course instructions that articulate or link the institution’s accessibility policies and services. Examples of this may include a link to the institution’s accessibility policy, and a statement informing learners how to obtain disability support services.

Academic Support Services

Academic support services and resources can help learners succeed in the course. By having them listed in your course, students do not have to find these important resources on their own. Examples of this include descriptions and links to support services such as testing center information and library materials/databases, as well as guides on conducting research, writing papers, and citing sources.

Student Services Support

Quality online courses have instructions that articulate or link to the institution’s student services and resources that can help learners succeed. Examples may include advising, registration, financial aid, veterans’ services, student or campus life, counseling, career services, online workshops, and student organizations.


This resource was created by Penn Ralston-Berg, Amy Kuntz, Donna Bayer, Danielle Harris, Brett Bixler, and Renee Ford. For more information about our quality standards, see Penn State Quality Assurance e-Learning Design Standards.

Page Contact: Penny Ralston-Berg